Friday, October 8, 2010

Learnings on Love (1/x)

This has been over due. But it is better to start it now; the end though would surely be a lifelong one…

Three years ago, I learned to love someone. It was then the start of my education on the course called LOVE. The past three years of my life had been spent on love. I loved. I got hurt. I learned. I want to remember all of those I have learned to keep me running in life and be reminded that I have been through a lot but I made it. May these learning as I share it, help others overcome their problems on the matters of the heart..

Theory of Proximity and Nearness
This person that I love was the person closest to me. We get to spend a lot of time together. Do things together. He was my confidant and I was his. We were seldom away from each other. We go out together in many occasions. We worked together as partner brother and sister in a Christian renewal community. He had helped me a lot in my Christian growth. Because of the times and the occasions that we had been together, I did not notice, that love for him was slowly creeping into my heart without my knowledge.

When I discovered that his work is putting him in a dangerous situation, it was then that I came face to face with my feelings and painfully admitted that I don't want to lose this person. Not in anyway, all because I love him. It came as a slap. It was all so wrong. The person whom I love is in a relationship with someone else.

At first, having a guy friend who is attached gives me the freedom to treat the person naturally, without the fear of him ever falling for me or me ever falling for him. The plan backfired. I totally forgot the theory of proximity and nearness. I thought that befriending someone who is currently attached would exempt me from that theory. It didn't. I only proved one thing.

It is a theory. As defined by Encarta,

the·o·ry [th əree, three]
(plural the·o·ries) noun

rules and techniques: the body of rules, ideas, principles, and techniques that applies to a subject, especially when seen as distinct from actual practice 
speculation: abstract thought or contemplation

idea formed by speculation: an idea of or belief about something arrived at through speculation or conjecture.

hypothetical circumstances: a set of circumstances or principles that is hypothetical.

 scientific principle to explain phenomena: a set of facts, propositions, or principles analyzed in their    relation to one another and used, especially in science, to explain phenomena
Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

A theory is a set of facts. It has been tried and tested to be true for it to merit the word theory. It applies to everyone without exemption.

So what really is this theory? The theory states that, the more you are spending time with that person the more you are going to fall for each other. I forgot that! Without my knowledge, I learned to love my closest friend that led to more learnings on love….


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